Grazia X Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia 2016
Heya! I’ve been in New York City for a month now and totally underestimated the time required to completely settle down when you’ve got a kid and you’re on your own. Nevertheless it’s time to update this website with a couple of recent portfolios that I’m super proud of. I had the opportunity to shoot my very first Fashion Week for Grazia Australia just before I left the country. You can’t imagine my excitement seeing my name popped on Grazia’s official website.
Without further ado, here are some of my favourite street style images from this year’s Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia. With my media pass, I got to shoot runway and backstage but my favourite scene of all is street style. Spotting pops of colours, fabric movements, intricate details worn by bloggers, celebs, models and designers as they strut into shows got me head over heels with covering Fashion Week. First to many more in the future I hope xo